地 址:成都市高新区天晖路360号晶科1号708
电 话: 028-81455645
联系人: 张小姐
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底圈||mud ring
地板面高度||height of floor from rail top,floor height
地板面积||floor area
地板排水装置||floor draining device
地表排水||surface drainage
地层压力||ground pressure,stratum pressure
地层柱状图||column diagram of stratum,graphic logs of strata,drill log of stratum
地道||underground path
地电流影响||influence of ground current; 属于阻性耦合。
地方铁路||local railway, regional railway
地方性编组站||local marshalling station
地基||foundation,foundation soil,subgrade
地基承载力||bearing capacity of foundation, bearing capacity of ground, bearing capacity of subgrade
地貌调查||topographic feature survey, geomorphologic survey
地面感应器||wayside inductor
地面钢轨涂油器||on-track rail lubricator
地面设备||wayside equipment
地面信号||ground signal
地球站||earth station
地区电话交换机||local telephone switching system
地区电话网||local telephone network
地铁车站||subway station,metro station
地铁工程||subway engineering,metro engineering
地铁隧道||subway tunnel, underground railway tunnel, metro tunnel
地温梯度||geothermal gradient
地温通过无人增音机||unattended repeater with ground temperature compensation  and  powerpassing
地温折返无人增音机||unattended repeater with ground temperature compensation and powerfeed loop back
地下电缆||ground cable
地下连续墙法||underground diaphragm wall method, underground wall method,diaphragm wall method
地下排水||subsurface drainage
地下铁道||subway, metro, underground railway; 简称地铁
地下铁道电动车组||subway motor train unit
地形测量||topographical survey
地形调查||topographic survey
地应力||crustal stress
地震基本烈度||basic intensity of earthquake,seismic basic intensity
地震力||seismic force
地震烈度||earthquake intensity
地震系数法||seismic coefficient method
地震震级||earthquake magnitude
地质调查||geologic survey
地质图测绘||survey and drawing of geological map, surveying and sketching of geological map
地中电缆盒||underground cable terminal box
第二接近区段||second approach section
第二离去区段||second departure section
第二系悬挂||secondary suspension
第二限度||2nd limit
第三轨受电器||conductor rail collector
第一第二系弹簧挠度比||ratio of spring deflections of primary & secondary suspension
第一接近区段||first approach section
第一离去区段||first departure section
第一系悬挂||primary suspension
第一限度||1st limit
递热器||combining chamber; 又称混合室
点对点长途自动接续||point to point toll automatic dialling
点对点连接||point to point connection
点火器||spark lighter
点连式调速系统||point-continued type speed control system
点式调速系统||point type speed control system
点式机车信号||intermittent type cab signaling
点头振动||pitching [vibration], nodding [vibration]
垫板||tie plate
垫冻害垫板||track shimming
垫接接头||supported joint; 又称承接接头
垫砂起道||measured shovel packing
-空制动电路||electropneumatic brake circuit, E-P brake circuit
-空制动控制器||E-P brake controller
电报[通信]||telegraph network
电报交换机||telegraph switching equipment
电报通信||telegraph communication
电测仪表||electrical measuring instrument
电磁阀||electromagnetic valve
电磁环境||electromagnetic environment
电磁继电器||electromagnetic relay
电磁兼容[]||electromagnetic compatibility
电磁接触器||electromagnetic contactor
电磁屏蔽暗室||electromagnetic shielding darkroom
电磁铁驱动器||magnet driver, chopper; 又称斩波器

电磁吸引式系统||electromagnetic attraction system


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