The income tax of the export enterprises in the Economic and Technology Developing Zone of high and New Technology Industries.If the value of export products in thar year reach the proportion that is required.The technologically advanced enterprises after finish of the tax exemption period.The income tax of the enterprise can levied at a tax rate of 10% in extending 3 years.The local income tax of the enterprise shall be exempt in same period.
After the expiration of the state-stipulated tax reduction or expiration period,the export-oriented enterprises in the Economic and Technological Development Zone and the New and High-tech Development Zone can enjoy the following preferential tax treatment:their enterprise income tax is levied at reduced rate of 10% of their business proceeds when their annual gross export value reaches the standard set by Chongqing Municipal Government for that year.If the enterprises are high-tech ones and can remain advanced technologically after the state-stipulated tax reduction or exemption period expires,they can enjoy this tax reduction treatment for another 3 years-the enterprise income tax rate for them is 10% of their business proceeds.
有人把“精加工及深加工产品”翻译为fine processed/deep processed products,可地道的英语表达法却是Elaborately Transformed Manufactures(ETMS)或者highly processed goods.
In case the contract cannot come into force within SIX months after the date of signing the contract,the contract shall be binding neither to Party A, nor to Party B.
“双方均有权解除合同“按字面似乎可译为both parties shall have the right to cancel the contract,但却有悖事理逻辑。合同一经签署,即对双方实行法律约束,不是哪一方能自行取消的问题。因此,这里的“解除”实指“对双方不再具有法律约束力”,不可望文生义。