册页[客]票||coupon ticket; 又称“联票”。
测长||distance-to-coupling measurement
测段||segment of survey
测量放样||staking out in survey
测量精度||survey precision,precision of survey
测试环线||test loop
测试台||test desk
测速||speed measurement
测重||weight sensing
测阻||rollability measurement
插板支护||inserting plate support,forepoling
插接不良||plug-in trouble
插孔||jack; 又称“插座”。
插孔排||jack strip
插入式混凝土振捣器||immersion type vibrator for concrete
插入式继电器||plug-in type relay
叉槽||fork pockets
叉车||fork-lift truck
叉簧||hook switch
茶炉||drinking water boiler
茶桌||tea table
查号台||information desk
岔枕||switch tie,turnout tie
岔中绝缘||insulated joint within a turnout
差错恢复||error recovery
差错检测||error detection
差错控制||error control
差错漏检率||residual error-rate
差分调制||differential modulation
差分脉码调制||differential pulse-code modulation
差分移相键控||differential phase shift keying,DPSK
差转电台||radio repeating set
拆装式桁架||demountable truss
柴排||firewood raft, mattress, willow fascine
柴油打桩机||diesel pile driver
柴油机||diesel engine
柴油机爆燃||engine detonation; 又称“柴油机工作粗暴”。
柴油机净重||net weight of diesel engine
柴油机起动试验||diesel engine starting test
柴油机特性||diesel engine characteristic
柴油机支座||engine support
柴油机转速表||diesel engine tachometer
掺混区||dilution zone
铲运机||scoper,scraper,carrying scraper
场间联系电路||liaison circuit between yards
场库||storage yard and warehouse
场强覆盖区||field strength coverage
场强中值||median of field strength
常摩擦式减震装置||constant friction type snubbing device
常用局减||quick service
常用制动||service braking,service application
长大货物车||oversize commodity car
长大坡道||long steep grade,long heavy grade
长定子||long stator
长钢轨运输作业列车||long welded rail transporting and working train
长轨条||long rail string潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩
长轨线路||long welded rail track
长交路||long routing
长隧道||long tunnel
长途半自动接续||toll semi-automatic dialling
长途半自动接续台||toll switch board for semi-automatic operation
长途电话交换机||toll telephone switching system
长途电话所||toll telephone office
长途调度台||trunk dispatcher switchboard
长途接续台||manual toll switching board
长途通信网||toll communication network
长途业务台||toll service desk
长途中继线||toll junction line
长途自动电话||toll automatic telephone
长途自动电话中继器||toll automatic switching repeater
长途自动接续||toll automatic dialling
长线张拉台座||stretching bed for longline production
敞车||gondola car,open goods wagon
敞顶集装箱||open top container
超长超重列车||exceptionally long and heavy train
超长货物||exceptional length freight
超导体斥力||superconducting repulsion force
超导悬浮系统||superconducting suspension system
超范围修理||repair beyond the scope of repairing course
超负荷试验||over-load test
超前导坑||advance heading
超前锚杆||advance anchor bolt
超前支护||advance support
超群||super group
超群配线架||supergroup distribution frame
超声波查漏仪||ultrasonic leak detector
超速停车装置||overspeed trip
超限货物||out-of-gauge freight
超限货物等级||classification of out-of-gauge freight
超限货物检查架||examining rack for out-of-gauge freight
潮喷混凝土||half wet shotcreting; 又称“半湿喷混凝土”。
潮汐河流||tidal river
车长电台||train conductor’s station
车长阀||caboose valve,conductor’s valve,guard’s valve
车次表示||train number indication
车挡||bumper post
车档表示器||buffer stop indicator
车底电线管||electric wire conduit underneath the car
车底数||number of allocated passenger trains
车电分线盒||junction box
车顶冰箱冷藏车||overhead brine tank refrigerator car
车顶侧梁||roof cant rail
车顶端横梁||roof end rail
车顶横梁||roof cross beam
车端冰箱冷藏车||ice-bunker refrigerator car
车端缓冲器||end-of-car cushioning device; 用于活动中梁车。
车钩复原装置||coupler centering device
车钩缓冲停止器||device for stopping buffer action
车钩缓冲装置||coupler and draft gear
车钩间隙||coupler slack
车钩连接线||coupling line
车钩轮廓||coupler contour
车钩牵引力||tractive effort at coupler,drawbar pull
车钩三态作用||three states of coupler operation
车钩托梁||coupler carrier
车钩中心线高度||height of coupler center from top of rail,coupler height
车号||number of car
车号抄录电视||TV for record vehicle number
车号灯||side number plate lamp
车号员无线电通信||radio communication for number taker
车辆报废限度||car condemning limit
车辆标记||lettering and marking of car
车辆长距比||ratio of car body length to length between truck centers; 即车辆长度与定距比。
车辆厂修||car repair in works
车辆冲击||car impact
车辆冲击试验||car impact test
车辆存在监测器||presence monitor
车辆大修||car heavy repair
车辆定距||length between truck centers
车辆动力学试验||car dynamics test
车辆段||car depot
车辆段检修台位利用率||rate of utilization of repair positions in car depot
车辆段修||car repair in depot
车辆分散供电||separate power supply [system] for car
车辆辅修||car auxiliary repair
车辆高度||height of car
车辆公里||car kilometers
车辆构造速度||design speed of car,construction speed of car
车辆横向||lateral direction of car
车辆互撞||car collision
车辆换算长度||converted car length
车辆集中供电||centralized power supply [system]for car
车辆技术履历薄||technical record book of car
车辆计算长度||calculated length of car
车辆加速器||car accelerator
车辆检修||car inspection and maintenance
车辆检修率||rate of cars under repair
车辆检修设备||car repair facilities
车辆检修停留时间||down time for holding cars for repairing
车辆检修限度||car repair limit
车辆检修在修时间||down time for car under repair
车辆减速器||car retarder
车辆交直流供电||ac-dc power supply for car
车辆年修||car yearly repair
车辆平均长度||average length of car
车辆强度试验||car strength test
车辆全长||length over pulling faces of couplers; 又称“车钩连结线间长度”。
车辆全轴距||wheelbase of car
车辆设计规范||Specifications for design of cars
车辆修理厂||car repair works
车辆运营||car operation
车辆运用维修||car operation and maintenance