4毫米锁闭||check 4mm opening of a switch point
H型柴油机||H-type diesel engine
K值试验||test for K value of complete car
L/V比值||L/V ratio
U形桥台||U-shaped abutment
V型柴油机||V-type diesel engine
V形桥墩||V-shaped pier
[车钩缓冲装置]压缩与拉伸||[coupler & draft gear]running-in & running-out
[电话]用户||[telephone] subscriber
[复原]摇枕||swing bolster
[给水]减压阀||[pressure] reducing valve
[货车]脚蹬||sill step
[货车]门锁||door latch
[货车]上侧梁||top chord
[货车]上开门||upward swing door
[货车]下开门||downward swing door
[货车]摇枕挡||column guide
[货物]计费重量||charged weight
[机车]牵引梁||draw beam
[客车]摆门||spring butt rocking door
[客车]隔门||partition door
[客车]脚蹬||entrance door step
[客车]脚蹬门||vestibule entrance door
[客车]门锁||door lock
[客车]上侧梁||cant rail
[客车]摇门||swing door
[列车制动]溜放试验||coasting braking test
[桥涵]拱圈||arch ring
[塞入门]导轮||door guide wheel
[无线电]干扰测量仪||[radio] interference meter
[制动缸压力]保持阀||retaining valve
[自动]开闭器||switch circuit controller
[阻抗]匹配变压器||impedance matching transformer
s形辐板||s-type wheel plate, s-plate
ω型燃烧室||toroidal combustion chamber
矮侧板||low side
矮端板||low end
矮型信号机||dwarf signal
爱车点||car caring point
安全标志||safety mark, safety symbol, safety indicator
安全地点||safety place
安全电路||vital circuit, safety circuit
安全电压||safety voltage
安全阀||safety valve
安全防护设备||safety protection equipment
安全技术措施||safety technical measures
安全教育||safety education
安全接点||safety contact,power off contact
安全距离||safety distance
安全帽||safety cap, safety helmet
安全设备试验||test on safety equipments
安全绳||safety rope, safety strap
安全梯||emergency staircase, fire escape
安全网||safety net
安全线||catch siding
安全用电||safety in utilizing electric energy
安全炸药||safety explosion,explosive charge, safety explosive
安全装置||safety device, safety equipment
安装角||stagger angle
按键电话机||key pad telephone set
按键开关||button switch,key switch
按键式拨号盘||key pad
按钮||push-in button
按钮表示||button indication
暗挖法||subsurface excavation method
凹底平车||depressed center flat car
扒碴机||crib ballast removers
拔起高度||height of lifting,lifting height,ascent of elevation; 又称“克服高度”。
白点||flake crack, shatter crack,small nucleus fissure
白水表行车||running without water in gage
白噪声测试器||white noise test set
百叶窗油缸||oil cylinder of shutter
摆滚振动||rock-roll vibration
摆块||centering block
摆块吊||centering block hanger
摆式车体||pendulum type car body
摆式减振器||pendulum damper
班长台||chief operator’s desk
搬道电话||switchman’s telephone
扳道房||switchman’s cabin
板梁||plate girder
板梁式钢结构||plate girder type steel structure
板桥||slab bridge
板式车架||plate frame
板式橡胶支座||laminated rubber bearing
板桩||sheet pile
半补偿链形悬挂||semi-auto-tensioned catenary equipment
半穿式桥||half through bridge, midheight deck bridge; 又称“中承式桥”。
半堤半堑||part-cut and part-fill section, cut and fill section
半叠片机座||semi-laminated frame
半段效应||half section effect
半分开式扣件||semi-separated rail fastening,mixed holding fastening
半分配制会议电话||telephone conference of semi-distribution system
半径杆||radius bar, radius rod
半路堑式明洞||part cut-type open cut tunnel,part cut-type tunnel without cover,part cut-type gallery
半湿喷混凝土机||half wet shotcreting machine
半双工||half-duplex operation
半双工传输||half-duplex transmission
半双工无线电通信||semi-duplex radio communication
半循环交路||semi-loop routing
半压力式涵洞||inlet submerged culvert
半夜灯||evening lamp
半自动闭塞||semi-automatic block system
半自动闭塞机||semi-automatic block machine
半自动闭塞联系电路||liaison circuit with semi-automatic blocks
半自动化驼峰||semi-automatic hump
半自动化驼峰系统||semi-automatic hump yard system
棒式车架||bar frame
棒式绝缘子||strut insulator,rod insulator
包||packet, package; 又称“分组”。
包层直径||cladding diameter
包间式卧车||[corridor] compartment [type] sleeping car
包交换||packet switching; 又称“分组交换”。
包交换网||packet switching network; 又称“分组交换网”。
包式终端||packet mode terminal; 又称“分组式终端”。
包装/拆器||packet assembler/disassembler, PAD; 又称“分组装拆器”。
包装储运图示标志||pictorial markings for handling of packages
包装运输试验||transporting test for package
薄壁筒体结构||thin-shelled tubular structure
保持位||suppression, maintaining position,holding position
保护地线||protective earth
保护电路||protective circuit
保护电容器||protective capacitor
保护阀||protective valve
保护接地||protective grounding
保护区段||overlap protection block section
保护套管||protection sleeve
保护线||protective wire
保护线用连接线||crossbond of protective wire
保温集装箱||thermal container
保温运输||insulated transport
保险带||safety belt
保险费||insurance charge
保压停车||stopping at maintaining position
饱和蒸汽室||saturated chamber
抱缸||piston seizure
抱轴式牵引电动机||axle hung traction motor, nose suspension traction motor
抱轴瓦||axle suspension bush
抱轴悬挂装置||suspension bearing
抱轴轴承||axle hung bearing,suspension bearing
报警保护系统||alarm and protection system
报头开始信号||start-of-heading signal
爆破排淤||blasting discharging sedimentation,silt arresting by explosion, discharge of sedimentation by blasting
爆炸事故||explosion accident
背负运输车||piggyback car
背景噪声场强||background noise field strength
倍程衰减||double attenuation
倍频衰减||frequency doubling attenuation
备电源||stand-by power source
备用轨||stock rails per kilometer of track, emergency rail stored along the way
备用货车||reserved cars
备用机车||locomotive in reserve
被串通路||disturbed channel
被盗事故||robbery accident,burglary accident
被叫||called; 又称“被呼”。
被叫控制复原方式||called subscriber release
被叫用户||called party