(1)The test was not over yet.试验还没结束。
(2)Open the valve to let air in. 打开阀门,让空气进入。
(3)An exhibition of new products is on there.那儿正在举办新产品展览会。
(4)Motor vehicles,already the main source of city air pollution in rich countries,will increasingly pollute poor cities,too.在发达国家,机动车辆是空气污染的主要来源,在落后的城市,这种污染也将增加。
(5)The experiment in chemistry Was ten minutes behind.这个化学试验延误了10钟。
(6)The radio is on.收音机在广播。
(7)The electric current flows through the circuit with the switch on.如果开关接通,电流就流过线路。
(8)The two bodies are so far apart that the attractive force between them is negligible. 这两个物体相距很远,它们之间的吸引力可以忽略不计。
(9)He took the machine apart yesterday. 他昨天把机器拆开了。
(10)The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart. 由于分子运动而引起的力能使分子分离。
(1)The volume of a gas becomes smaller when the pressure upon it is increased. 当作用在气体上的压力增大时,气体的体积就缩小。
(2)The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用字母E表示电动势。
(3)No body at rest can be set in motion without a force being acted upon it. 没有力的作用,静止的物体不可能开始运动。
(4)It is clear that numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers. 很显然,数控是指机床采用数字来操纵。
(5)Many laboratories are developing medicines against AIDS.许多实验室正在研制治疗艾滋病的药物。
(6)Atomic power for ocean-going vessels is already a reality.原子能动力用于远洋船只已经成为现实。
(7)This is a kind of alloy with high strength. 这是一种具有高强度的合金。
(8)The shaft turns about its axis.轴围绕轴线转动。
(9)So long as we have means of producing heat we can keep the steam engine at work. 只要能产生热,就能使蒸汽机做功。
(10)Usuauy the working pans of the machines are made from carbon steels.通常,机器的工作部件是用碳素钢制造的。
(1)Neutrons act differently from protons. 中子的作用不同于质子。
(2)Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter. 气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的可压缩性。
(3)The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations. 电子计算机的主要特点是计算准确而快速。
(4)Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water. 水银的重量约为水的13倍。
(5)The Center is running a series of talks on the relationship between science and literature,in which poets and scientists discuss how scientific ideas over the past two centuries have influenced literature and social change. 这个中心正在举办关于科学与文学关系的系列讨论会。与会的诗人和科学家们的讨论议题是:在过去两个多世纪里科学思想对文学和社会变革的影响。
(6)The net and electronic commerce will foster a large number of free-fancers.and this will affect social structure in a big way. 网络和电子商业将会造就一大批自由职业者,从而将对社会结构产生深远的影响。
(7)PCs gave the world a whole new way to work,play and communicate. 个人计算机使整个世界更新了工作、娱乐和通讯方式。
(8)Smith aims to become a computer export. 史密斯的目标是想当一名计算机专家。
(9)In the life process,the animal works in the opposite way to the plant. 在生命过程中,动物的活动方式与植物相反。
(10)An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance. 电流的变化与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。