Diet nursing伙食护理
absolute diet (fasting)禁食
balanced diet均衡伙食
convalescent diet恢复期饮食
diabetic diet糖尿病饮食
eucaloric diet适当热量饮食
fat-free diet无脂饮食
salt-free diet无盐饮食
fever diet热病饮食
full diet全食,普通饮食
half diet半食
high caloric diet高热量饮食
high-carbohydrate diet高糖类饮食
high-protein (protein rich) diet高蛋白饮食
invalid diet病弱者饮食
light diet易消化饮食
liquid diet流质饮食
high fat diet高脂饮食
low fat diet低脂饮食
low caloric diet低热量饮食
low-protein diet低蛋白饮食
low-residue diet低渣饮食
nourishing diet滋补饮食
obesity diet肥胖病饮食
prenatal diet孕期饮食
regimen diet规定食谱
smooth (soft) diet细软饮食
Preparing the patient for the surgery为病人手术前做准备
shaving the patient’s skin (skin prep)备皮
Postoperative care手术后护理
coughing and deep-breathing exercises咳嗽呼吸练习
applying elastic stockings穿弹性袜
applying elastic bandages用弹性绷带
Emergency care (first aid)急救护理
cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺循环复苏术
mouth-to-mouth(mouth-to-nose,mouth-to-stoma) resuscitation
emergency care for fainting (shock, stroke) victims
emergency care used to control hemorrhage止血急救
emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting
emergency care for a patient during a seizure癫痫发作急救
hospice care临终护理
postmortem care死后护理