3, the State Council Information Office of the held "Accessibility building regulations" to implement the third anniversary of briefing the press conference, and in the press room and the CCTV studio arranged for sign language interpreters and sign language translation feature, this is the first time in the State Department press conference with a sign language interpreter on.
China Disabled Persons’ Federation vice-chairman Lv Shiming, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Chief Engineer Zhang Feng, Party members of the Ministry of Transport Transportation Secretary Liu Xiaoming, the Ministry of Housing and Urban standard quota Secretary Liu Can attended the press conference and answered a reporter asked
中国日报记者: 注意到这次发布会首次配备了手语翻译,请问这样做的考虑是什么?谢谢。
China Daily reporter: Noting that this conference for the first time with a sign-language interpreter, to consider what will it do that? THX.
吕世明: 很高兴回答您的提问。这次大家都非常欣喜地看到,在国家级的新闻发布会上现场配备了手语翻译,同时在中央电视台的演播室同步配备了手语翻译。应该说,这是中宣部、国务院新闻办公室、中央电视台为促进信息交通无障碍建设,为保障广大听力残疾人信息共享、充分地参与社会生活所采取的一项重要举措,也体现了人文关爱和文明进步,也是与国际接轨的措施。
Lv Shiming: I’m glad to answer your questions. This time we are very pleased to see that in the national press conference scene with a sign-language interpreter, while the CCTV studio sync with the sign-language interpreter. It should be said that this is the Central Propaganda Department, the State Council Information Office, China Central Television to promote the accessibility of information transportation construction, to protect the majority of hearing people with disabilities share information, to participate fully in social life is an important measure taken, but also reflects the humanistic care and the progress of civilization, but also measures with international standards.
At the same time, through this groundbreaking initiative will also play an exemplary effect, to further enhance public awareness of accessibility, but also expanded the information accessible impact on traffic, the formation of a social atmosphere that everyone caring for persons with disabilities, everyone concerned about the accessibility construction, management accessibility for everyone involved, and everyone shared transportation accessibility, and information accessibility to the general public the convenience, so as to promote the development of barrier-free building, prompting the development of a barrier-free information exchange new levels, better for people with disabilities to participate and integrate into society to create the conditions. Also very grateful to all walks of life and efforts to departments concerned to pay. THX.