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Who doesn’t want to live forever? The Longevity Project is an eye-opening book based on one of a kind study, following 1500 people over eight decades. This book changes everything we thought about how to live a long, productive life. We’re joined now by doctors Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin. Thank you. And shall I call you Howard and Leslie? (Definitely.)All right, thank you, thank you, thank you!
谁不想永葆青春呢?《长寿工程》是基于一份研究而著作的令人十分惊讶的书籍。这份研究八十年的时间内对1500人进行了追踪。这本书改变了关于怎样更长寿,过得更健康的观念。现在,Howard Friedman教授和Leslie Martin教授在现场参加我们的节目。我可以直接称你们Howard和Leslie吗?(当然可以。)好的,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢!

This is just remarkable. Howard, first of all, tell us a bit about the study.

Well, this is really a breakthrough study, because it’s the first scientific study that followed people from when they were children -- and that back in 1921 -- throughout their whole lives, when they went through adolescence, as they went through young adulthood, as they got married, had their own children, went into their careers, aged, to see why some people thrived, lived long, stayed healthy, other people kind of fell off the healthy path and succumbed and died before their time.



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