China’s government restruction campaign, an important part of political reform in china, hasbeen foomally staged. Restruction in government institutions is urgently needed to deepeneconomic restructuring and promote economic and social development in china. It constitutesan important aspect of the reform of the state’s leadership system, and a necessity to bringthe government closer to the people.
The basic framework of current government institutions were formed gradually during thetime when the country’s economy was perdominantly a planned one. Although china hasadjusted and reformed government institutions on many occasions and made some progressin government restructuring since its implementation of reform and openning policies, manyproblems have not been foundamentally solved due to the restrictions imposed by historicalconditions and general environment. Consequently, the incompatibilities of governmentinstitutions to the development of socialist market economy have become increasing apparent.The following problems are most conspicous in this regard.
First, a bloated size and whelmed-organization of government institutions with overlappingfunctions and serious overstaffing have given rise to bereaucracy and red-tape, bribe andcurruption, promoted unhealthy practices and created a heavy financial burden on the state.
Second, the functions of the government fail to be seperated from those of the enterprizes.The government often has a direct hand in the operation of the enterprises which makes itdifficult to the establishment of an invesment system based on scientific decision-making buteasy to lead to nonaccountability and wrong decision-making. Consequently, the market canhardly play a foundamental role in the allocation of resources.