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联系人: 张小姐
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fiberglass reinforced pipe(FRP) 玻璃纤维管
filament winding process 纤维缠绕法
finely divided solid transmission pipeline 细颗粒固体输送管道
rixed support 固定管托、固定支座
rixed trestle 固定支架
flange 法兰
flanged joint 法兰接头
flat subgrade 素土平基
flattening test 压偏试验、偏平试验
flexible joint 柔性接头 
flexble pipe 柔性管 
flexible rubber expansion joint 可曲挠橡胶接头
flexible trestle 柔性支架
flexural stiffness ratio 刚柔比
four-point loading test 四点法荷载试验
free-flow conduit (pipeline) 自流管道
fusion joint 热溶接头
gas transmission pipeline 输气管道
gasket ring 密封圈
glass fibre reinforced plastics pipe (GRP) 玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料管
gravity-flow conduit (pipeline) 重力流管道
gray cast iron pipe (CIP) 灰口铸铁管
gully gratings and frames 雨水篦
gully trap 雨水井
hanger  吊杆
haunches under pipe 管下腋角
beaped load 堆积荷载
heat-supply pipeline 供热管道
heating pipeline 采暖管道
height of conduit 管道高度
horizontal earth pressure 水平土压力
horseshoe conduit 马蹄形管道
hydrostatic pressure 静水压力
hydrostatic proof test 水压检验试验
impact factor 动力系数
impact test 冲击试验
industrial pipeline 工业管道
inner sleeve joint 内套环接头
inside diameter 内径
inspection chamber 检查井
interior prism 管上土柱
intermediate jacking station 中继间
invert 底点
jacking pressrue 顶力
joint angular deflection 接头角位移
joint axial deformation 接头轴向位移
joint deflection test 接头角位移试验
joint packing 接头密封料
ioint sealant 接头密封料
joint straight draw test 接头拉伸试验
lag factor 滞后系数
lateral earth presure 侧向土压力
leading pipe 导管
leak test 严密性试验
lined type PCCP(PCCP-L) 内衬式预应力钢筒混凝土管
lined-cylinder pipe (LCP) 内衬式预应力钢筒混凝土管
liner 内衬
live load on conduit(pipeline) 管道活荷载
load on conduit (pipeline) 管道荷载
loading distribution diagram 荷载分布图形
longitudinal calculation 纵向计算
manhole  检查井
manhole cover and flames 检查井盖
manhole steps 踏步
max.temperature difference between costruction and operation 闭合温差 
mean diameter 平均直径 
mechanical joint 机械接头 
mixed structure conduit 混合结构管道
natural (original) ground surface 原状(始)地面
natural soil 原状土
new austrian tunnelling method 新奥法
nodular cast iron pipe 球墨铸铁管
non-pressure conduit (pipeline) 无压管道
norminal diameter (DN) 公称直径
offset 乙字管
olander’s bulb form distribution 奥兰特分布图形
oriented (guiding) trestle 导向支架
outlet sleeve joint 套环接头
outlet 出水口
outside diameter 外径
oval conduit 椭园形管道
over excavation 超挖
overhead prpeline 架空管道
ovoid conduit 卵形管道
partial fixed trestle 半固定支架
passive earth pressure 被动土压力
petroleum transmission pipeline 输油管道
pipe accesory 管道附件
pipe bridge 管桥
pipe casing slip joint 套筒式伸缩器
pipe clip 管卡、管箍
pipe crossing 管道跨越
pipe diameter 管直径
pipe duct 管沟
pipe fitting 管件
pipe in pipe 双层管
pipe jacking method 顶管法
pipe length 管长
pipe roofing method 管棚法
pipe support 管托、管道支座
pipeline  管道
pipeline (conduit) structure 管道结构
pipeline (aerial (over) crossing 管道跨越
pipeline appurtenance 管道附属构筑物
pipeline for waste water (sewerage) in builking 建筑排水管道
pipeline for water supply in building 建筑给水管道
pipeline joint 管道接头
pipeline pier 管道支礅
pipeline trestle 管道支架
pipeline under crossing 管道穿越
plastic sandwich  发泡塑料管
polybutylene pipe (PB) 聚丁烯塑料管
polyethylene pipe (PE) 聚乙烯塑料管
polypropylene pipe (PP) 聚丙烯塑料管
precast fabricated conduit 预制装配管道
pressure class 压力等级
pressure conduit 压力管道
prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) 预应力钢筒混凝土管
prestressed concrete pipe (PCP) 预应力混凝土管
profile (ribbed) wall plastic pipe 异型(肋型)塑料管
protective cased pipe 保护套管
push-on type joint 插入式接头
rare earth cast iron pipe 稀土铸铁管
reducer 反力墙
rebated pipe 企口管 
reception pit 接收工作坑
red mud plastic anti-weather pipe 红泥聚氯乙烯耐候塑料管
reducer  异径管、渐缩管
reducerslab  缩颈盖板
reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) 钢筋混凝土管
reinforced plastic mortar pipe (RPMP) 增强塑料砂浆管
reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP) 增强热固性树脂管
rigid joint 刚性接头
rigid pipe 刚性管
rigid trestle 刚性支架
rise lf arch conduit 拱沟矢高
road (street) gully 雨水口
roller support 滚动管托、滚动支座
roller suspension process 悬辊法
sand box casting process 砂型浇铸法
sealing gasket 密封圈
self-anchoring joint 自锚式接头
self-prestressed concrete pipe 自应力混凝土管
semi-elliptical conduit 半椭园形管道
simi-flsxible pipe 半柔性管
semi-rigid pipe 半刚性管
separate foundation 分离式基础
serviceebility pressure 工作压力
sewge conduit (pipeline) 污水管道
shaft 井筒
shaped by injection 注模成型法
shaped by injection molding 挤出成型法
shapped subgrade 土弧基础
shield tunnelling method 盾构法
single junction 三通
sinking pipeline method 沉管法施工
site load 施工荷载
site pressure test 现场水压试验
sleeve connection 杯口连接
sleeve expansion joint 松套伸缩接头
sleeve joint 套管(筒)式接头
slider support 滑动管托、滑动支座
slip-on coupling 活箍
socket (bell) and spigot joint 承插式接头
socket pipe 承口管
soil improvement 地基处理
soil treatment 地基处理
solvent cement joint 粘接接头
splayed emd pipe 斜口管
apreading angle  分布角
apring hanger 弹簧吊杆
apring line 侧点
stability clculation 稳定验算
stainles ssteel pipe  不锈钢管
starting shaft 起始工作坑
steel pipe 钢管
stiffness calculation 刚度验算
stiffness calss 刚度等级
stiffness ring 刚性环
stiffness test 刚度试验
storm sewer conduit 雨水管道
straight butt (plain) end pipe 平口管
strength calculation 强度计算
structural crossing 结构跨越
subaqueous pipeline 水下管道
submaine pipeline 海底管道
submerged pipeline 水下管道
support feet 肘管管托
srucharge load 堆积荷载
surface laver 涂层
surge pressure test 波动压力

sustained pressure test 持续压力试验


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