" do-it-yourself " explosive现混炸药
" do-it-yourself " mixture现场配置炸药
" do-your own" explosive现混炸药
"B" blasting powder "B"级炸药<含72%硝酸钠
"can handle" "能对付"<火灾紧急情况现场消防队发回的信息
"Defense in Depth" philosophy "纵深防御"原则
"mixed on the job" blasting agent "工地配制"的炸药
"nothing showing" "无迹象"
"Quarterly" "季刊"<美国消防协会以前的杂志
"red fume" "红色瓦斯"<爆炸时炸药所产生的毒气
"super K" "超-K"
"ultra-safe" explosive "超级安全"炸药
"V" burn pattern V形痕迹<在火灾低点
0integrated disaster preparedness综合灾害防治
1-propanol 1-丙醇
2-methyl-1-butene 2-甲基-1-丁
3-methyl-1-butene 3-甲基-1-丁烯
A blasting powder A级炸药<主要用于露天矿
a.a.r = against all risks综合险
AA = auto-alarm自动报警
AAAS = American Association for the Advancement of Science美国科学促进协会
AAB = Aircraft Accident Board飞行事故调查委员会
AAC = automat and automatical control自动装置与自动控制
AACC = American Association for Contamination Control美国污染控制协会
AACC = American Automatic Control Council美国自动控制委员会
AAE = American Association of Engineers美国工程师协会
AAEC=Australian Atomic Energy Commission澳大利亚原子能委员会
AAEE = American Association of Electrical Engineers美国电气工程师协会
AAIN = American Association of Industrial Nurses美国工业护士协会
AAJ = Architectural Association of Japan日本建筑协会
AAR = aircraft accident report飞机事故报告
AAS = American Academy of Science
AAS resin AAS树脂
AASW = American Association of Scientific Workers美国科学工作者协会
AB = absolute 绝对
AB = Accumulator and Buffer累加器及缓冲器
Ab = air-breaker空气断路器
abandonment 离弃
abatement of smoke消减烟雾
abaxial 轴外的
abbreviated dial system缩位拨号系统
abbreviated dialing缩位拨号
abbreviated notation简化符号
ABC extinguisher ABC灭火器
ABC method心肺复苏法
ABC powder extinguishing agent ABC干粉灭火剂
Abel closed cup flash point apparatus阿贝尔闭杯闪点测定仪
Abel-Pensky flash point test阿贝尔-平斯基闪点试验
abidance by law遵守法律
abidance by rule遵守法规
ABIH =American Board of Industrial Hygiene美国工业卫生委员会
ability grouping按学力分班
ability test才能测验
ablating heat shield烧蚀热防护
ablation characteristics 烧蚀特性
ablation factor烧蚀因素
ablation front烧蚀正面
ablation mechanism烧蚀机理
ablation of melting body熔融物体的烧蚀
ablation phenomenon烧蚀现象
ablation protection烧蚀防护
ablation temperature烧蚀温度
ablation velocity烧蚀速率
ablation-product radiation烧蚀生成物辐射
ablative degradation烧蚀破坏
ablative heat protection 烧蚀防热
ablative leading edge烧蚀前缘
ablative mechanism烧蚀机理
ablative water增稠水<添加了增稠剂的水
ablative-cooled refractory烧蚀冷却的耐火材料
abnormal climate异常气候
abnormal combustion异常燃烧<发动机爆震
abnormal condition反常情况
abnormal operation test 非正常操作试验
abnormal risk异常危险
abnormal state异常状态
abort escape system紧急疏散系统
abort handle 应急把手
abort light 紧急故障信号
above ground storage tank地上贮槽
above hydrant地上式消火栓
abrasion resistance 耐磨性
abrasion test耐磨试验
abrupt discharge猝然排出
abrupt wind烈风
ABS =American Bureau of Standards美国标准局
ABS resin ABS树脂
absolute alcohol纯酒精
absolute atmosphere绝对大气压
absolute error绝对误差
absolute humidity 绝对湿度
absolute instability绝对不稳定
absolute instrument绝对测试仪<除了长度-时间-质量测定之外
absolute manometer绝对压力计
absolute pressure绝对压力
absolute system of unit绝对单位制
absolute temperature scale 绝对温标
absolute temperature绝对温度
absolute threshold 绝对阈
absolute vacuum绝对真空
absolute viscosity绝对粘度
absolute zero绝对零度
absorbed dose 吸收剂量
absorbed gas 吸附状态气体
absorbent cotton脱脂棉
absorbent for confining spills限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料
absorbent 有吸收能力的
absorber 吸收剂
absorbing gas 吸附性气体
absorbing medium吸收性材料<锯屑
absorptance 吸收比〔性
absorption band吸收
absorption coefficient吸收系数
absorption edge吸收端
absorption factor吸收因数
absorption line吸收线
absorption of heat热的吸收
absorption spectroscopy ;吸收光谱法
absorption spectrum吸收光谱
abstract ability概括能力
abutment (支
Ac = actinium 锕
Ac = alternating current交流电