例 l:The Party A herebyagrees to produce Product promptly after the Effective Date in accordance withthe laws and regulations of PRC, and theprovisions of this Contract (甲方同意在本合同生效后,依照中华人民共和国法律法规以及本合同的条款,立即生产产品。)
在原文中,inaccordance with the laws and regulations of PRC, and the provisions ofthis Contract.等词作为状语被放在句子的后面,在译文中按照中文的习惯,将其被放在了谓语的前面。
例 2:The Party A may sell,transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of its interest in theContract to any third party only with the prior written consent of Party R .(只有在乙方事先书面同意条件下,甲方才可向第三方出售、转让或以其他方式处分其在合同项下的全部或部分权益。)
在原文中,only withthe prior written consent of Party B等词作为状语成分放在句子后,译文将其放在句首,这种表达更符合汉语习惯。
例 3: The Purchasing Plan of the Company shall beestablished by the Board of Directors in view of actual market conditions,expected sales volumes,the employees’ability to absorb new technology and any other factorsconsidered important by the Board .(公司的购买计划由董事会在考虑市场实际情况、预计的产品销售额、雇员吸收新技术的能力以及其他董事会认为重要的因素后确定。)
在原文中,in view ofactual market conditions, expected sales volumes, theemployees’ ability to absorb new technology andany other factors considered important bythe Board等词作为状语被放在句子的后面,译文将其被放在了句子的中间。