地 址:成都市高新区天晖路360号晶科1号708
电 话: 028-81455645
联系人: 张小姐
您的当前位置:成都翻译公司 > 译联翻译 > 翻译技巧

Counter offer 还盘 

1. counter offer 还盘 

2. enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉 

3. ready seller; quick seller; quick-selling product 畅销品 

4. conclude business with sb. 与某人达成交易 

5. close business, close a deal , close a transaction, close a bargain


6. trade terms 贸易条件 

7. trade agreement 贸易协定 

8. trade fair 交易会 

9. trade mark 商标 

10. foreign trade 对外贸易 

11 trade in sth 经营某物 

12. trade with sb.与某人交易 

13. favourable price 优惠价格 

14. favourable terms 优惠条件 

15. quotation 行情 

16. discount quotation 贴现行情 

17. exchange rate quotation 外汇行情 

18. commission 佣金 

19. a commission of....%; ....% commission.百分之几佣金

20. your ..% commission 你的百分之几佣金 

21. The above price includes your commission of 2%.上述价格包括你方2%


22. general practice 惯例 

23. accept an order 接受订单 

24. cancel an order 撤消订单 

25. confirm an order 确认订单 

26. execute an order 履行订单 

27. a back order 尚未执行的订单 

28. a fresh order 新订单 

29. a repeat order 续订订单  

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