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Enthusiasm Boosters

如果认为你的热忱应该发生作用,而它却跟不上你在发 挥其他原则方面的进度时,你可以利用一些简单的练习来刺激你的热忱。
If you think that your enthusiasm need work, that it hasn’t been growing apace with your progress on the other principles, you can stimulate it with some simple exercises.

To be enthusiastic,Act enthusiastically

Does this advice seem redundant? It isn’t. If you enter a meeting with your enthusiasm low, ignore it. Shake hands confidently; reply definitively to questions; assert the value of your ideas and proposals. Ideally, enthusiasm makes these things automatic, but if you consciously perform the actions, you will begin to see their positive results. This stokes the fires of enthusiasm

Keep an Enthusiasm Log

当你的热忱高涨时,可将它记在记事簿里,记录激发热忱的环境,以及因为热忱而表现出来的举动:你会因为被激励而展开行动吗?你解决问题了吗?你说服某人了吗?同样的,在记事簿中记入你的明确目标和达到目标的计划,每当你的热忱高涨时就把它记下来。这不但会提醒你出现热忱的原因,同时也能使你回顾一下热忱所带来的好处。热忱就像一个螺旋,它会向内转或向外转,也会上升或下降,使你的热忱 循着正确的方向发展。当热忱的螺旋转错方向时,不妨回顾一下你的记事簿。
When your enthusiasm runs high, make a not e of it in a notebook. Write down the circumstances that inspired you and the manifestations of that enthusiasm. Were you spurred to action? Did you solve a problem? Did you persuade someone of something? Also, keep a written copy of your definite major purpose and your plan for it inside your notebook. Ten, whenever your enthusiasm is ebbing, pick up your valuable book. Not only will it remind you of the reason you should be enthusiastic, but it will also review for you the benefits of that enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a spiral, turning inward or outward, rising or falling. To give your enthusiasm a push in the right direction, refer to your notebook when the spiral is collapsing in on itself. 


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