Currency Detailed List of History of Peony Moneylink Card
Card No.:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Customer Name :Zhang San Start Date:2013-02-12 Expiry Date:2013-08-12
卡号 户名 起始日期 截止日期
Operation Region: xxxx Operation Branches : xxxx Operation Teller : xxxx Authorized Teller Sequence Number:xxxx
操作地区 操作网点 操作柜员 授权柜员号
工作日期 Date of Work |
账号 Account No. |
应用号 |
序号 Code |
币种 currency |
钞汇 cash remittance identification |
交易代码 Transaction Code |
注释 Remark |
借贷 Lend or Loan |
发生额 Amount |
余额 Balance |
存期 Period |
约转期 Agreed Redeposit Term |
通知种类/发行代码 Category of Notice/ Release Code |
利息 Interest |
利息税 Interest tax |
起息日 Value Date |
止息日 Stop Date |
地区号location No. |
网点号 Branches No. |
操作员 Operator |
界面 Interface |
Note: For the English meaning of the Chinese vocabulary in the above table, you can refer to the below table.
1. |
不转存 Non redeposit |
6. |
消费 Consumption |
11. |
工资 Salary |
16. |
柜面交易 Counter Transaction |
2. |
借 Lend |
7. |
网转 Transfer of account on the net |
12. |
利息 Interest |
17. |
ATM交易 ATM Transaction |
3. |
贷 Loan |
8. |
信使费 |
13. |
Cash Deposit |
18. |
批量业务 Batch Business |
4. |
钞 Cash |
9. |
ATM取款 Withdraw on the ATM |
14. |
Pos交易 Transaction in Point of Sale |
5. |
汇 Remittance |
10. |
b2c Business to Consumer |
15. |
网上银行 Internet bank |
Seal: Xixing Sub-branch, hangzhou, Industrial Commercial Bank of China Ltd
Accounting Seal (05)