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activity ratios 经营比率

allowances for maintenance 维修费

brand label 商标贴纸

business license 营业执照

capitalization ratios 资本结构比率

car repair and assembly plant 汽车修配厂

charger bracket 充电座支架

collective stewardship 集体管理

commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼

comprehensive subareas 综合分区

contractual project 承包工程

debt to equity ratio 负债股本比率

depreciation allowances 折旧费

discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型

elaborately transformed manufactures 精加工

electrical machinery factory 电机厂

equity reversion 权益回收

finance costs 融资成本

fiscal allotment 财政拨款

floor area 建筑面积

gas guzzler 油耗量大的汽车

generic products 非商标(非专利)产品

go through the formalities 办手续

government assignment 政府划拨

Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同

grant or transfer 出让或转让

heavy machinery plant 重型机械厂

highly processed goods 深加工产品

high-voltage/high-tension wire 高压电线

income tax shelter 收入税的庇护

industrial cluster 产业集群

industrial optimization 产业优化

Internet phone industry 网络电话业

inward investment 对内投资

joint chamber of commerce and industry 联合工商会

land efficiency 土地效益

land use certificate 土地使用证

land use term 土地使用期

lead-edge technologies 领先技术

location classification 地段等级

major repair depreciation expenses 大修折旧费

manufactured inventory 成品库存

manufacturing expenses 制造费用

metallurgical industry 冶金产业

mortgage lender 抵押放贷者

on a residual basis 剩余法

on the basis of capitalization 资本还原法

pillar industry 支柱产业

pioneering enterprises 龙头企业

planning approval 规划许可

planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证

plot ratio 容集率

precision machine tool 精密机床

pre-requisitioned land 预征土地

professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)

project approval 项目许可

projecting parameter 规划参数

property trust 物业信托

ratio of current assets to current liability 流动资产与流动负债比率

ratio of current assets to fixed assets 流动资产与固定资产比率

reciprocal holdings 互相控股

reconstruction of old area 旧区改造

recoverable cost/debt/loss 可收回成本/债务/损失

red balance 赤字结余

reform of the property rights system 产权制度改革

registered capital 注册资本

registration of establishment 开办登记

registration of property right 产权登记

rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法

sales proceeds 销售收益

site coverage 建筑密度

strata-title 分层所有权

structural readjustment 结构调整

subsidies and grants 津贴和拨款

surplus capacity 生产能力过剩

title document 契约文书

Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF) 贸易和投资自由化和便利化

unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额

water conservancy project 水利工程

wealth maximization 最大限度地增加财产

Growth in profit has become more difficult to achieve due to increased competition.


Increasing productive capacity has led to car companies aiming to use economies of scale as the main way of reducing cost.


According to the empirical evidence of economic development of other countries in the world, development of industry, especially the modern industry is the prerequisite for the fast growth of national economy.


The iron and steel industry serves as the basis for the development of other industries.


The saying of “possession of steel and iron is equal to the domination of economic development” has been proved by all previous industrial revolutions.


It is essential to secure the leading position of the iron and steel industry in the less development countries at the initial stage of industrial development.


Rubber is a light, elastic, durable and water-resistant material, which makes rubber industry very important.


Electronic computers, which make it possible to free man from the labor of complex measurements and computations, have found wide application in engineering.


Italian investment is mostly located along the east coast in such sectors as automobiles, garments, textiles, footwear, leather, jewelry, machinery and electronic products, instruments, aviation and leasing.


Titanium allows have been widely applied in aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding and other industries because of their excellent properties such as low density, high strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance.


The major civil aircraft producer in the Czech Republic has 35 years of tradition and experience in aircraft design and production.


The development of aerospace depends chiefly on advanced material and technology.


The appearance of new composite material is the fundamental assurance of high performance, high reliability and low cost for aerospace industry.


With the quick development of information technique and computer science, the techniques about image processing, automatic target recognition and computer vision have been widely applied in many fields, such as industries, national defense, aeronautics and aerospace.


Manufacturing’s share of U. S. employment peaked in 1953, at 35%.


成品 finished products

人才 talent/competent personnel human resources

半成品 semi-finished products

滞销货 unsalable product

打工妹 country girls working in cities

服务业 service industry

利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery

生产力 productive forces

出资方式 means of contributing investment

传统产品 traditional products

窗口行业 service trades

创汇产品 hard currency-earning exports

资本项目 capital account

包工包料 contract for labor and material

采矿工业 mining industry

操作方法 working technique; method of operation

草根工业 grassroots industry

代理协议 agency agreement

电力工业 power industry

产品设计 design of products

朝阳产业 sunrise industry

成套设备 whole sets of equipment

驰名商标 well-known trademark

电子工业 electronics industry

独家代理 sole agency; exclusive agent

纺织工业 textile industry

服装工业 clothing industry

钢铁工业 iron and steel industry

隔离开关 isolating switch

工程绘图 engineering drawing

工业基地 industrial base

工业停滞 industrial stagnation

工业园区 industrial park

公开招标 public bidding; open tender

国有企业 state-owned enterprise

合营期限 contractual term of a joint venture

合作方式 methods of cooperation

后备工业 supporting industry

化学工业 chemical industry

基础工业 basic industry

技术入股 technology invested as capital stock

技术转让 technology transfer

加工工业 processing industry

尖端产品 highly sophisticated/state-of-the-art product

建筑工业 building industry

来料装配 assembling with supplied parts

龙头产品 flagship product

龙头老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry

内联企业 inland associated enterprises

配套工程 auxiliary/supporting project

配套资金 supporting funds

批量生产 mass production

切削工具 cutting tool

升级换代 upgrading and updating

生产资料 capital goods

市场疲软 a market slump

市场准入 market access

拳头产品 highly competitive product

人才市场 human resources market

私营部门 the private sector

乡镇企业 township enterprises

以销定产 fix production target according to marketability

知识产权 bids for technology

主导工业 leading industry

抓大放小 invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones

专利技术 patented technology

产地证明书 certificate of origin

工业增加值 industrial added value

企业所得税 corporate income tax

出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports

代表性样品 representative sample

电视机工业 TV industry

豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects

进口环节税 import linkage tax

经理负责制 manager responsibility system

劳动密集型 labor-intensive

机械制造业 machine-building industry

招标承包制 system of public bidding

重点开发区 key development zone

飞机制造工业 aircraft industry

固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets

国家统配物资 materials allocated by the state

黑色金属工业 ferrous industry

品质检验证书 quality inspection certificate

企业技术改造 technological updating of enterprises

企业亏损补贴 subsidies to cover enterprise losses

全面投产开工 go into full operation

商办工业企业 industrial enterprises run by commercial units

适销对路产品 readily marketable product

现代企业制度 modern corporate system

优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources

重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)

转化经营机制 change the method of operation

改进技术规程 improve the technological process

新的生机与活力 new vigor and vitality

出口创汇型产业 foreign exchange-earning industry

独家经营/专营权 exclusive right

非国有工业企业 non-state industrial enterprise

工业控制一体化 integrated industrial control

科研成果产业化 industrialization of research findings

质量信得过单位 quality trustworthy organization

独立核算工业企业 independent accounting industrial enterprise

发电设备制造工业 power equipment industry

高附加值的深加工 intensive processing with high added value

走新型工业化道路 take a new road to industrialization

纠正行业不正之风 rectify malpractice in various trades

就业前和在职培训 pre-job and on-the-job (in-service) training

向基础工业倾斜的政策 preferential policy for basic industry

技术、智力、资本密集型 technology-, knowledge- or capital-intensive


processing of imported materials or according to supplied samples, assembling of supplied parts, and compensation trade


In the central and western regions, the existing industrial foundation and technological strength, as well as rich natural resources and labor resources have provided favorable conditions for foreign investors to engage in cooperative development of the central and western parts of China.



China enjoys a promising market in terms of its high-tech industry.



In the meantime, foreign investment accounted for 12.7% of the total investment in fixed assets, and the industrial added value of foreign-funded enterprises took up 20.9% of that of the country.



The strategy of going global has made substantial progress.



In recent years, Chinese exporters have been affected by the world financial crisis.



We must promote the reform of the management system of foreign trade and establish enterprises groups which combine manufacturing, farming and scientific research with trade to increase their competitiveness.


Old large and medium-sized, state enterprises must be invigorated through technological upgrading, and qualified ones should be allowed to engage in importing and exporting.



The effort to allow industrial enterprises to engage in independent exporting is a major step in the reform of China’s foreign trade system.



Only by carrying out the strategy of success through quality and improving presale and after-sale services can we win in the world featuring sharp competition.



Methods of fine or intensive processing should be used to increase the added value of export commodities. Efforts must be made to turn out marketable brand-name, special, high-quality new products and highly competitive ones that can edge into foreign markets.



With the market changing so quickly, our export commodities must be constantly upgraded to have a competitive edge over those of our rivals.



The state shall promote the application of scientific product quality control methods and advanced science and technology. It shall encourage enterprises to make their product quality meet and even surpass the industrial, national and even international standards.



We should give priority to the development of basic industries.



Rapid development of science and technology and the emergence of high-tech industries will help push the world economy forward in its evolution from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy and eventually to the knowledge-based economy.



Owing to the economic recession, the auto industry has cut back its production by 15 percent.


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