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联系人: 张小姐
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O =oxygen

O-ring O形圈

O.S&Y.gate valve 外螺纹与轭闸阀

O.S.Y .value = outside screw and yoke valve 外螺轭阀

oakum 麻絮

OAT = outside air temperature 外部气温

objective 目标

obligated storage 专用堆放区

obscuration coefficient 减光系数

obscuration detector 减光火灾探测器

obscuration 朦胧

obscuration-type photoelectric smoke detector 减光型光电感烟探测器

observation port 观察孔

observation time 观察时间

observation tower 了望塔

observation window 观察窗

observatory 了望台

obsolescence 陈旧

obsolete fire extinguisher 报废的灭火器

obsolete 报废的

obstructed construction 有障碍结构<指建筑物的梁

obstruction to distribution 影响灭火剂应用的障碍物

obstruction to vision 视程障碍

occluded gas 吸流气体

occluded heat content 附吸瓦斯容量

occluded methane content 吸留沼气量

occluded methane 吸留沼气

occlusion 吸留

occulting light 明灭相间灯

occupance 占有人

occupancy characteristic 用房特点

occupancy classification 用房分类

occupancy fire load 占用火灾负荷

occupancy of high fire load 高火灾负荷用房

occupancy of low fire load 低火灾负荷用房

occupancy of moderate fire load 中火灾负荷用房

occupancy permit 占用许可证

occupancy rate 占用率

occupancy (建筑物

occupant capacity 容许居住人数

occupant content 占用人数

occupant density 居住密度

occupant load 居住荷载

occupant management 占用人管理

occupant protection 占用人保护

occupant response model 占用人响应模型

occupant 占用(

occupation 占用

occupational accident 职业事故

occupational disease 职业病

occupational illness 职业病

occupational injury 工伤

occupational safety 职业安全

occupied room 能占用的房间

occupied story 可占用楼层

occupier 占用人

occurrence index 火灾发生率

occurrence of spark 火花的产生

occurrence 事故

OCD =Office of Civil Defense 民防署

octane number 辛烷值

octane rating 辛烷值

octane 辛烷

octave band analyzer 倍频带分析仪

octet 电子八隅体

octode 八极管

OD =outside diameter 外径

ODM =outside diameter of male thread 阳螺纹外径

odometer 里程计

odor 气味

odorant 添味剂

ODP =ozone depletion potential 臭氧消耗潜势

oersted 奥斯特<磁场强度单位

off duty 不在值勤的

off gas 废气

off position 断路位置

off premises annunciating alarm 出区报警<除向本部门报警外

off shift 下班

off the air 停播

off the job safe 非工作时的安全

off-contact 开路触点

off-gas pump 除气泵

off-line operation 脱机操作

off-line retrieval 脱机检索

off-port flame 喷口外的火焰

off-road terrain 越野地带

off-road 在道路之外的

off-shore oil rig 近海石油平台

off-site watch-service 不在场值班

off-the-job safety 场〔工地

offhand 随便连在一起的

office area 办公区

office block 办公大楼

office building 办公大楼

office occupancy 办公用房

Office of Hazardous Material Transportation 危险品运输办公室

officer in charge 火场指挥员

officer training 消防官训练

officer 消防官员

official action guide 消防工作条例

official 法定的

official’s inspection lamp 行政管理人员检查用灯

Ohio Fire Chiefs Association 俄亥俄消防长官协会

Ohio State University heat release rate apparatus 俄亥俄州立大学热释放率测试仪

ohm 欧姆

Ohm’s law 欧姆定律

OHMTADS =oil and hazardous materials technical assistance data system 油类及危险物品技术援助数据系统

oil & chemical removal system 油和化学品的清除装置

oil absorbent blanket 吸油层<亲油疏水的物质

oil bath 油浴

oil burner 火油炉

oil burning system 燃油燃烧系统

oil circuit breaker 油断路器

oil cloth 油布

oil fence 水上拦油栅

oil filled 油浸的

oil fire 油类火灾

oil firing 烧油的

oil flame 油焰

oil fuel 燃料油

oil furnace 油炉

oil immersed power transformer 油浸电力变压器

oil insulated 油绝缘

oil leakage 油漏

oil level indicator 油位计

oil level 油位

oil of vitriol 硫酸

oil pit 滤油防火装置

oil platform 石油平台

oil pudding 油的集聚

oil quenching 油急冷

oil refinery 炼油厂

oil safety lamp 挥发油安全灯

oil seal 油封

oil shale 油页岩

oil spill aspirator 溢出油吸收器

oil storage yard 储油物

oil stove 油炉

oil supply line 供油管线

oil switch 油开关

oil system 液压系统

oil tank 油槽车

oil tanker 油船

oil vapor 油蒸汽

oil well 油井


oil-filled electric transformer 油浸变压器

oil-fired boiler 燃油锅炉

oil-fired heating burner 供暖油燃烧器

oil-fired system 燃油系统

oil-fired 燃油的

oiled rag 浸油碎布

oilless circuit breaker 无油断路器

oily waste 含油废物

Oklahoma State University 俄克拉荷马州立大学

old-style sprinkler 老式洒水喷头

older adult 老人


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